feminism is for everyone – bell hooks

people at the Roxane Gay event

UC Santa Barbara is a national leader in feminist research and education. Building on these strengths, the Center for Feminist Futures supports and promotes research, pedagogy and teaching, creative work, and public engagement in gender, sexuality, and feminist studies from intersectional, interdisciplinary, and global perspectives. To accelerate progress toward a more just present and future for all, the Center advances efforts that formulate new visions of feminist futures and promotes these visions in local, national, and global contexts. Our work is collaborative and inclusive by engaging and establishing dialogue with a variety of audiences, including policy-makers, activists, educators, elected officials, business leaders, philanthropic partners, artists and wider communities in Santa Barbara and around the world. 

Because we need more feminist leaders everywhere in society, the Center also seeks to forge intergenerational connections between established and junior scholars, between seasoned activists and emerging voices, between youth and elders. We aim to build bridges between academic disciplines, generations, geographies, and histories to learn from the past while demonstrating how indispensable diverse feminisms are for establishing equality, rights, and gender justice in the twenty-first century.


The Center for Feminist Futures brings together faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, youth, visiting practitioners, and community members to cultivate new knowledge and critical strategies to imagine and build more just and joyous feminist futures. To achieve this goal, we:  

  • support collaborative, transformative, and engaged research
  • promote public scholarship and feminist pedagogy
  • create opportunities for intergenerational connections and feminist leadership
  • foster thriving feminist, queer, and trans communities of hope, rest, and sustenance